Real-Time Infrared Signature Management System

Altınay Defense also offers various solutions in the field of naval systems, including motion control systems and naval defense systems that eliminate our country's foreign dependency and enhance export potential, along with critically important stealth systems.

In combat environments, the infrared signature emitted by a platform is a significant identifier. This signature can increase the risk of being detected and targeted by infrared-guided missiles. To mitigate this risk, the Real-Time Infrared Signature Management (RTIRSM) System has been developed. This system is capable of instantly tracking the infrared signature emitted by a military ship platform. By utilizing absolute temperature data from thermal sensors placed in various radiating zones of the platform, combined with meteorological information provided through the Ship Data Distribution System (SDDS), such as air temperature, wind speed, and sea water temperature, the system calculates the platform-specific infrared signature. Based on these calculations and the platform's current emissions, potential threat areas are identified and presented to platform authorities.

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